UPDATE: At approximately 11:35 p.m. students received another SU Alert updating the power situation.
It read: “SUALERT: Power has been restored to most of campus but power remains out to both Mowrey and Seavers residence halls. Students in those two halls are asked to find alternative places to stay on or off campus until power is restored. Residents who cannot find a place should contact their RA or RD for assistance. Power remains out in several buildings including Etter Health Center, Grove Hall, Heiges Field House, MCT, ShipRec and the CUB. Memorial Auditorium, Rowland Hall and Shearer Hall are open for students to study in if needed.”
Although power is not fully restored, some of it is. There are still no reports as to what caused the outages.
According to the Shippensburg University Facebook page, final exams are still scheduled for Thursday beginning at 8 a.m. Students will receive an email by 6 a.m. if there are any changes.
Students received a great study break when 11 buildings on SU’s campus suddenly went dark.
An SU Alert sent to Shippensburg University students at approximately 9:40 p.m. said, “Power is out to 11 campus buildings. Employees are working on the problem but no estimate is available as to when power will be restored.”
One of those 11 buildings is the Ezra Lehman Memorial Library, which is a high traffic area this week due to finals. Also included in the outage are the CUB, Reisner Dining Hall, Grove Hall, Dauphin Humanities Center, MCT, Franklin Science Center, Heiges Field House, Shippen Hall, Grace B. Luhrs Elementary School, Mowrey Hall and Seavers Apartments.
MCT, which houses a 24-hour computer lab, is also a high traffic area this week. Mowrey and Seavers are the only two residence halls to lose power.
Buildings on the western side of campus such Rowland Hall and Shearer Hall still have power.
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