There are numerous educators at Shippensburg University who have been recognized for their excellence in teaching.
A recent addition to the faculty of the communication/journalism department has been recognized for his teaching, research and service.
Masudul Biswas, an assistant professor of communication/journalism, won the 2013 Distinguished New Faculty Member Award at the 24th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning.
This award is designed to highlight new educators who are using innovative and instructive techniques to motivate students in a creative way.
Biswas was nominated for the award in November of this past year after demonstrating his hard work and contributions to SU.
“I was nominated for the award by the provost’s office, and by CFEST campus support,” Biswas said.
The Center for Faculty Excellence in Scholarship and Teaching (CFEST) at SU supports the ongoing professional development of the SU faculty as educators.
Techniques of motivating millennial students was one of the criterion of this award. Biswas shares professional work of former students who utilize the skills learned in his class.
“I had a previous student in a design class I taught who is now thriving after she was given the opportunity to design and maintain the web pages for Texas Senate,” Biswas said.
Biswas also highlighted his approach to having students understand the importance of social media, and how to understand the impact and usefulness it serves.
Originally from Bangladesh, Biswas received his undergraduate degree from a university in his home country.
He received his two year master’s degree from Ohio State University in international affairs communication and development and received his Ph.D. from Louisiana State University in media and public affairs.
Biswas has only been a faculty member at SU for two years.
“The award is designed to go to educators who work for mainly four-year institutions or community colleges. The award goes to professors at schools where the main focus is teaching,” Biswas said.
Biswas’ dedication to research and innovative methods of teaching have certainly paid off in the long run.
“I am very honored and motivated,” Biswas said. “I am still learning to be an effective teacher and I learn from my experiences in the classroom each semester, and apply that to grow as an educator.”
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