Washington, D.C. — House Speaker John Boehner invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress — a move the White House denounces, reported CNN.
Netanyahu is to address the lawmakers tomorrow to express his concerns about a deal between Iran and the U.S. to limit Iran's nuclear program. The Israel prime minister said he does not mean to disrespect the White House, but he feels a moral obligation to speak for the safety of his county.
Obama said while Netanyahu is visiting the U.S. he will not meet with the foreign leader. The White House announced the manner in which the situation was handled will damage U.S. relations with Israeli.
Boehner did not inform the president before hand about the planned visit. Netanyahu's presence in the U.S. comes just before the Israeli election, a fact that causes some to believe the house speaker and prime minister may be using the event to create a political issue with Iranian nuclear talks.
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