The warm weather did not keep Shippensburg University students away from the Ceddia Union Building on Friday to hear speeches from student senators who are running for Student Government executive board positions for the 2017–2018 school year.
Presidential candidate and current athletics senator Madison Scarr said she was on SU’s 2016 championship-winning field hockey team and the experience of being a student athlete can benefit everyone.
“I am willing to address the concerns that come from each and every Red Raider,” Scarr said.
After her speech the floor was open to ask questions. Current Student Government President Traci Moyer asked what unique experience she could bring to the position. Scarr said the experience of having a large family is a strength she could bring to the executive board.
“I can see eye to eye with people because I come from a large family where I have always had to be the mediator,” Scarr said. “I’m so serious when I say I want everyone to know I support them, whether it be Multicultural Student Affairs or the chess club.”
Miranda White chose to run against Scarr after a last minute nudge to run for an executive position due to her high level of involvement on campus. Since White is a write-in candidate, students will need to write her name on the ballot during the election.
Student senators asked both candidates what they thought of ShipLink, a new software system that will make it easier for students to communicate within student organizations.
White believes it should be mandatory for students to begin using it because it is so beneficial.
Scarr said students should do it if they want to,” and eventually more students would get involved.
The only vice president candidate, Crystal Hartman, was unable to attend the event but had a speech prepared for students that outlined her involvement in student government.
Hartman said students should elect a candidate who has their best interests at heart.
“Elect a person with experience, a person you can depend on,” Hartman said. “Choose the people who are going to do what they love.”
Elections for Student Government positions started yesterday and will continue through Thursday at 4 p.m. Students can vote through a survey available online via SU student email.
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