Shippensburg University’s WSYC and The Slate alumni congregated in Reisner Dining Hall’s Tuscarora Room Saturday night to reminisce and celebrate the two student media group’s six decades-long legacies.
Slate and WSYC members and alumni heard from speakers after enjoying a dinner, which was emceed by WSYC Program Director Matt Trust. SU Interim President Barbara Lyman spoke first and discussed the impact alumni have on current students.
After dinner, SU Interim President Barbara Lyman discussed the impact the alumni have had on current SU students.
“These alumni give back by providing advice and internship experience to our students,” Lyman said.
Earlier in the day, panel discussions were hosted by alumni members of The Slate on the topics of news literacy, the importance of local media and technology changes in the journalism industry.
During her speech, Lyman revealed the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC) committee had voted unanimously to re-accredit SU’s journalism program.
SU’s communication/journalism program is the sole journalism program among the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) schools to be accredited, and is one of only three universities in the state to receive this accreditation.
“We look forward to another 60 years of student media activity here at Shippensburg,” Lyman said.
SU’s communication/journalism program became accredited under the leadership of SU professor and former department chair Ted Carlin. Carlin, who also serves as the adviser of WSYC, said he is proud of the progress the communication/journalism department has made during the 23 years he has worked at SU.
“I can honestly say that this journey we’ve had over the last 23 years has been a bonding experience, but also a learning experience,” Carlin said. “You’re always learning — always learning from your students, from technology.”
In between speakers, Trust shared several of his own memories with Carlin and Director of Broadcasting Michael Gardner. Trust compared Gardner to the late Mark Lipper, who served as the second adviser of The Slate and spearheaded the process of creating a journalism program at SU.
“Every day I step foot on this campus, I know [Gardner]’s got me,” Trust said. “Thank you for being our Mark Lipper.”
WSYC presented two awards before turning the evening over to The Slate. The Golden Mic Award acknowledged a former WSYC tradition of awarding the year’s best WSYC DJ, and was brought back this year to be continued for the foreseeable future.
This year’s recipient was Michael McCullough, who serves as The Slate’s web director in addition to having his own show on WSYC.
WSYC Sports Director Joey Marinelli received the Commitment to Broadcasting Excellence Award for his dedication to broadcasting sporting events over the last four years.
SU associate professor and adviser of The Slate, Michael Drager, received two awards, one for his service to The Slate, and a “faculty member of the year” award from Student Government.
“It’s just a matter of everyone being here and being a member of a family,” Drager said. “Although I will cherish these awards, I don’t do it for the honors — I do it because someone did it for me.”
Throughout the remainder of the evening, various student awards were presented to members of The Slate, including section of the year, editor of the year and ‘slater’ of the year. Drager also presented several students with adviser awards for their leadership and dedication to The Slate.
Before the event’s conclusion, a 15-minute video tribute was presented, including songs from each decade, photos and audio clips that showcased the accomplishments of each group over the past 60 years.
“We’re all at the same playing field — it’s a team effort, it always will be,” Carlin said. “I’m blessed to be with you and I hope you do well as you go on.”
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