“Bloom” is a sweet and simple short romance film, directed by Richard Anthony and distributed by Madras Talkies. The movie takes place in Chennai, India, during the lockdown of the 2020 pandemic. The film opens with a fun montage of one of the characters, Ashwin, who is a small and upcoming musician. Ashwin later finds himself messaging the second character, Mitra, through Instagram.
With lockdown being new and off-putting, Ashwin and Mitra start a friendship over social media. They use video chat, cell phone calls and texting to stay in touch. The use of technology in the film is relatable to anyone who had to keep a connection virtually in 2020. The film is awkward, endearing and realistic.
In one statement, “Bloom” is an admirable film. The cinematography is mesmerizing and has a personable quality with realistic shots of the characters and scenic views. The music is upbeat and changes with each scene to match the flow of the character’s story. The actors delivered a convincing and praiseworthy performance.
“Bloom” represents the story of two strangers who become more and more familiar with each other using technology. The ending of the film leaves viewers with room for interpretation of what happens next. The film is well done and easy to watch. The voice-overs are competent, and the text messages are readable.
The takeaway with “Bloom” is that technology keeps those who are distanced together. Technology is often seen as a nuisance at social events where it takes away from personable connections, but “Bloom” flips the use of technology the other way.
The film is very reminiscent of the lockdown, social distancing, wearing masks and keeping in-person contact to a minimum. Everyone used technology to keep in touch with their loved ones, as well as to go back to school or work from home during the pandemic. It makes complete sense as to why the main characters gained confidence in one another through text and video chat. I will admit, it is strange to watch the film as everyone has experienced the loneliness of the pandemic. However, the lighthearted and upbeat short romance film is refreshing.
“Bloom” is highly recommended and available to watch on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fb5AOujNnBs&t=775s.
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