Throughout my time at Shippensburg University, I have prided myself on attending all sorts of campus events and have certainly fully utilized my student activity fee. Shippensburg University truly has a diverse array of student organizations, programs and engaging events that can provide engaging experiences for almost any student. Over my four years, I found myself returning to certain events year after year that have become a staple of my Shippensburg experience; not to mention many other students across campus. I recommend all students attend these six events, shows, performances and trips before graduating:
1. Crab Fest – Each fall, the African American Student Organization (Afro-Am) hosts “Crab Fest” in the Hockey Rink serving crabs, wings, ribs, desserts, mocktails and tons of other food options. Students usually pay five dollars to attend and enjoy a DJ, delicious food and camaraderie.
2. Homecoming Tailgate – The only large tailgate hosted each year is the October Homecoming tailgate hosted behind the Seth Grove Stadium by the Alumni Board of Directors and Homecoming Committee. Greek organizations, sports teams, university departments and other student organizations tailgate before and during the Football game.
3. Sexy Bingo – Hosted by the Pride and Gender Equity (PAGE) Center and the Activities Programming Board (APB), Sexy Bingo is an annual competitive bingo event with large prizes, condom decorations, sexual health trivia and other related fanfare.
4. In-Motion Dance Troupe Recital – Each spring, the university’s In-Motion Dance Troupe hosts an annual recital in Memorial Auditorium featuring a variety of dance genres, lights, effects and vibrant costumes.
5. Harmonic Voices of Truth (HVT) Performance – The Harmonic Voices of Truth gospel choir performs semi-regularly at St. Peters AME Church in town and holds occasional performances on-campus throughout the year. This group is truly amazing, performing a wide variety of gospel and contemporary Christian songs with their own mix. You can feel the music as you watch (and clap and/or dance along) the choir and at least one of their performances is a must-see on-campus.
6. APB Bus Trip – APB hosts a variety of bus trips throughout both semesters to a variety of places including New York City, Eastern State Penitentiary, Six Flags New Jersey and professional sports games, amongst other destinations. These events are either free or have a small ticket price (which pales in comparison to the actual value of the trip) and provide transportation and often tickets to entertainment at the trip’s destination. I have attended a few APB bus trips and every single one was fun, a great deal and a great way to travel to new places with friends for a very affordable price.
These are my top six recommended events on-campus over my four years at Shippensburg and I encourage all students, faculty and staff to check them out in their remaining time at Shippensburg University. Each person’s opinion will vary and there are many other amazing and worthwhile events at Shippensburg University – these are merely my top six recommendations.
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