The results of the spring 2025 Student Government Association (SGA) officer elections were announced on Feb. 28. Starting in late April, SGA will be led by a new group of executives.
Nathan Garber, a rising senior accounting major, will take up the mantle of SGA president, succeeding current SGA President Lillian Sellers. Garber currently serves as the SGA vice president of finance and chairs the Budget & Finance (B&F) Committee, which released draft student group budgets Feb. 21.
The position of vice president will be taken up by Daniel McCleary, a geographic information systems major. McCleary currently serves as the Transfer Student Senator. He defeated fellow senator Matt Jones for the position, in the only contested race of the election.
At the March 6 SGA meeting, McCleary applauded Jones for running an excellent campaign. “Having competition in the race for vice president drove both of us to reach out in unique ways to reach more students to get that engagement and feedback,” McCleary said.
Current SGA Vice President of Student Groups Ella Zinn will remain in her position for a second year, after securing her race. A junior accounting major, Zinn plays an active role in the SGA’s B&F Committee.
Another member of the B&F Committee, Emily Wojnarski, will succeed Garber as the vice president of finance. Wojnarski is a sophomore business management major and currently serves as a Class of 2027 senator.
Together, these four will constitute SGA’s Executive Leadership Committee (ELC). Right now, the ELC has five members, but because of a constitutional amendment adopted in December 2024, that number will be reduced to four. The revised constitution and bylaws combine the duties and roles of the SGA VP of Internal Affairs and VP of External Affairs into one position, simply called vice president.
Election season is not over yet, though. A second round of elections is currently underway for senator positions. Petitions are available at the CUB Info Desk and SGA Office (CUB 201) and are due back March 28.
Senators will have the opportunity to share their visions for student government at candidate speeches on April 10 in McFeely’s Coffeehouse (CUB 024) from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Voting will take place the following week from April 14 through April 17.
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