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What can make you feel warm and happy inside? What makes you think of snowy nights, mistletoe and reindeer?
Halloween has come and gone and surely you saw some amazing and creative costumes. You probably saw some hilariously bad costumes, too. Did you see any kids wearing an Israeli Defense Force (IDF) costume, by chance?
Here is an idea for a movie: An Oscar-winning director known for his ultra-violent police movies wages war against the nation’s police force, which has recently been under fire for its violent actions. Plot twist: This is actually happening. This is not fiction of the pulp kind.
What do Shippensburg University students think about gun control in the United States? Is our country doing enough to make sure mass shootings do not happen, or is there more that can be done? Are background checks enough, or should guns be taken away from their owners? We asked some Shippensburg University students what they think should be done about gun control in the United States in light of the recent mass shootings.
They have been around since 1957, when Audrey Hepburn made them famous in the musical film “Funny Face,” according to InStyle, and for years they have been stirring up controversial conversations.
Were you counting on that refund to pay for books, rent and maybe food? So was I, and so were thousands of other college students in Pennsylvania. Time spent studying or with family is now spent on a part-time job. Some students are taking out extra loans or reaching into their parents’ savings to make up for the missing Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) money.
Halloween is a holiday where you can dress up and pretend to be something you want to be for the night. Sometimes, though, the costumes can go too far. As a society, we have a tendency to glorify costumes at the expense of others, all to ensure we have a good time.
A New Jersey elementary school is canceling Halloween festivities, not because of scary costumes or fear of hundreds of sugar-hyped kids, but because of “diversity reasons.”
Halloween is just around the corner and, for many college students, that means drinking and partying. While it is obviously good to have fun, many college students are drinking too much, too often and it is important to be safe, especially on holidays like Halloween.
In 2012, a monument of the Ten Commandments was erected on the grounds of the Oklahoma capitol building. Even after much controversy, it stood solid in its place for three years until it was finally declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, as it was a religious monument being displayed on government property.
While public schools worry about problems ranging from spending budgets and SAT scores, to gun violence and mass shootings, another kind of war is being waged in the halls of American schools: The war on public prayer.