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The United States needs to allow non-U.S. citizen health care workers into the U.S. for a better chance at survival.
Patriotism is a very important aspect of daily life for many people no matter what country they are from. An individual’s patriotism shows their pride and loyalty for his or her nation. It shows an undying love for the nation that they represent.
Hot – U.S. Marshal Scott Malkowski and the Pennsylvania State Police
In honor of Native American Heritage Month I want to shed some light on a topic that has bothered me for years, the Washington Redskins. For years there have been petitions, protest and even pleas of government intervention to get rid of the Redskins name. I think the name should stay the way it is. I have never at any point in my life wanted to change the name of the team.
In the issue of The Slate published September 30th, there was a pair of articles written for the opinion section that discussed the benefits and issues of Greek Life (which has been a heated topic of discussion for decades). While the article presented some interesting points on both sides, there were parts of Greek life that desperately need more coverage.
It’s almost comical to hear pro-choice advocates try and explain how an unborn child is not a life at conception. Any doctor or human biologist will testify that it is not just a blob of tissue. An embryo, in its earliest form, leads to a human life. By the end of the third week, a fetus has a heartbeat. When surgical abortions are conducted by the mid-first trimester, the baby has all its appendages. Regardless, 61.3 percent of abortions in America are conducted at this point in pregnancy, every year (741,730).
The pro-life versus pro-choice debate has been a prominent topic of discussion ever since the Roe v. Wade case in 1973. The case determined that it was a woman’s right to have an abortion under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment. Since then, the connotation of the terms pro-life and pro-choice has been misconstrued. Many people consider pro-life activists to be anti-choice. In contrast, many people consider pro-choice activists to be pro-abortion. Such generalizations could not be further from the truth.
Abortion is a hot topic often discussed with vigor, and it touches on subjects involving life and death, religion, politics, and birth control.