10/21/2013, 10:01pm

Some slopes on campus no longer require mowing

The grounds crew and student participants at Shippensburg University have developed several naturalized areas throughout campus, mainly on steep slopes. These sections of land are to be “no mow” areas, which means they do not need to be mowed by the grounds crew.

10/9/2013, 3:04pm

Jesus banners wave at SU

The usually peaceful quad on Shippensbug University’s campus was filled with large banners that read, “Church is a joke. Jesus is a living person” and “Go to Jesus not ‘church.’” Another banner promoted a website,

10/7/2013, 10:35pm

Recycling returns to Bard Townhouses

Shippensburg University’s Environmental Club has won a battle to get single-stream recycling back at Bard Townhouses. During March through May of this year, the Environmental Club used its own resources to collect the recycling at Bard.

9/30/2013, 10:33pm

Some like it hot, some like it cold

Inside the new residence halls, copper systems can take the heat or air conditioning from one room and pump it into another. At the touch of a button, students can control an eco-friendly adaptation called variable refrigerant flow (VRF), yet another update provided to the Shippensburg University campus by the Department of Facilities and Management.

9/30/2013, 10:23pm

SU students help homeless in Harrisburg

Living on a Pennsylvania farm in the late ’90s, Sue Rudy and her husband Vern first took in a homeless person as an act of faith. Believing that they had a mission to fulfill, the Rudys bought a second home and welcomed more homeless people.

9/23/2013, 9:43pm

Campus housing progresses ahead of schedule

It has been the better part of a year since the completion of the Phase I housing project, an endeavor that took significant overtime to complete; Phase II, on the other hand, is right on schedule. The Phase II housing project, which includes sites four, five and six—Lackhove, Kieffer and McCune, respectively—is now nearing the end of its eighth month.

9/23/2013, 9:40pm

SU weapon policy raises concerns

Shippensburg University has caused quite a stir recently with the adoption of its new weapon policy. Over the past year, seven schools have decided to allow the possession of firearms on campus — SU being one of them.

9/20/2013, 12:24am

Senior plans for grandparents' present, his future

Shippensburg University senior of public administration Dan Smedley is working for Pennsylvania’s Department of Aging in a 15-week internship sponsored by the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE). The Harrisburg Internship Semester (THIS) program invites students from all 14 PASSHE schools to participate, and gives them the opportunity to work in state government while earning a full semester’s worth of credits. “It is a 15-credit internship program where you work full time and have a class one night a week.