9/27/2012, 10:35am

Error in communication causes debacle

Communication problems further disenfranchised an already skeptical State Rep. Rob Kauffman when he declined an invitation to debate his opponent Susan Spicka at an event at Shippensburg University. According to Ethan Goldbach, president of the SU Student Association, identical invitations were sent to both Kauffman and Spicka on Sept.

9/24/2012, 10:26pm

Annual security report available to students

The Shippensburg University Police and Department of Public Safety have reminded students in a recent email that they have access to the university’s annual security report. The beginning of the report contains statistics of crimes within the past three years.

9/17/2012, 11:11am

Shippensburg celebrates Constitution Day

Two and a quarter centuries ago 26 delegates gathered at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pa. They gathered to sign the law of their new county, the United States of America. The Constitutional Convention assembled in May 1787.

9/10/2012, 9:29pm

SU students "rock the vote"

On Wednesday, Sept. 5, students across campus were drawn to the CUB amphitheater by the sounds of WSYC and a bounce house and the smell of cotton candy.

9/10/2012, 9:28pm

SU campus to be completely revamped, inside and out

The current housing project on Shippensburg University’s campus is not the only change the campus has seen or will see in the near future. Last year, the fountain in front of Old Main was renovated and although many students may not find the fountain significant, it is a crucial part of SU’s campus.