11/5/2012, 8:20pm

Hurricane Sandy aftermath

Although Hurricane Sandy caused severe damage to so many areas along the East Coast, Shippensburg University and the Shippensburg area got lucky.

10/31/2012, 10:35pm

Financial Aid FAQ

_This is Part 4 of a series of information from the Financial Aid Office. Although this is an FA column, any and all billing, payment and refund of fees questions should be directed to the Student Accounts office located in Old Main Room 100 or by calling 717-477-1211’ _ The federal Satisfactory Academic Review policy underwent some revisions last year.

10/31/2012, 10:32pm

Donation drive for SCPASCC

Within the next few weeks, a fundraising campaign will begin on Shippensburg University’s campus and in the community to raise money for the South Central Pennsylvania Sickle Cell Council (SCPASCC). Donation boxes will be placed in health centers and local businesses that will allow anyone to donate some spare change to the work the council does for sickle cell patients and their families.

10/26/2012, 1:38am

The great Slate debate

Decision 2012, a political forum that included a statement from SU President William Ruud, students debating and a Q&A with89th District Democratic State House candidate Susan Spicka, occurred Thursday night in Memorial Auditorium. The two students participating on stage in the event hosted by The Slate were Irma Zejcirovic, president of College Democrats, and Nick Chapa, vice president of College Republicans.

10/23/2012, 7:33pm

Faculty union rejects PASSHE 'secret sauce'

The Shippensburg University chapter of the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) met on campus Tuesday afternoon to discuss the details of the current contract proposal for faculty on the table, its effect on all levels of faculty and the potential for a strike. SU economics professor and president of the SU chapter of APSCUF, Brendan Finucane, discussed the details of the impact of the current proposal on adjuncts and new hires and the proposal’s implications for health care plans.

10/23/2012, 12:58am

Voting systems differ across the globe

As there are a number of different systems of governments around the world, there are also a number of different voting systems to meet the needs of each country’s government.

10/23/2012, 12:56am

Accuracy of candidates

As the Presidential campaign enters its final week’s incumbent, President Barack Obama and his Republican challenger Gov.

10/23/2012, 12:45am

Presidential and local elections will impact SU

Not only will the upcoming Presidential election have an effect on Shippensburg University students, but the local House election holds great importance as well. Depending on who is elected in both the national and local elections, it is inevitable that everyone will be impacted in one way or another – but how will SU be affected? One of the main effects politics will ultimately have on SU students is the cost of education.

10/18/2012, 2:36pm

Spencer Overton Discusses Voting Laws, Restrictions

On Wednesday,Oct.10,. Spencer Overton visited Shippensburg University’s Memorial Auditorium to discuss the importance and effects of new attempts at revising voting laws. Overton received his undergraduate degree from Hampton University and graduated with Cum Laude honors from Harvard Law School.