3/8/2017, 3:38pm

Bathroom Bill

In a list of things you probably do in public bathrooms, it starts with looking for the cleanest stall. Followed by making sure the latch actually locks

2/28/2017, 4:47pm

Opioid addiction is a disease and it should be treated as such

According to the CDC, 91 Americans die every day from opioid overdoses. The DEA reported that Cumberland and Franklin Counties had 62 cases of drug overdose deaths in 2015 — nearly half of which were caused by opioids. This made SU a logical host for Wednesday’s heroin and opioid epidemic forum.

2/14/2017, 3:40pm

Transformation photos bring body image issue to light

If you have social media, you may have noticed the vast array of transformation pictures that have recently taken over Instagram and Facebook. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, a transformation picture is basically a before and after picture. People who are trying to lose weight normally take them to track their progress, and many people have taken to posting their own transformation pictures on their social media accounts.

2/14/2017, 3:40pm

Valentine’s Day loses true meaning of love

By the beginning of January, the annual Valentine’s Day craze has begun. It starts out slowly: a commercial here and there promoting sales at retail stores, or the best place to buy a box of chocolates without breaking the bank. Women in long-term relationships stare wistfully at engagement rings in store windows and drop hints to their significant others of where they’d like to go for dinner on Feb. 14.

12/5/2016, 8:50pm

Column: depression

In today’s society, depression is a topic that is widely ignored and thought about as a “cry for help” or merely stress related.

12/5/2016, 8:43pm

Do’s and don’ts of winter break

Missy says... Do Even though it seems like a month is not a lot of time and you feel like you have to start preparing for next semester right away, it is important to use this time to relax and enjoy time at home with your friends and family.