Colin Arnold SU Student Trustee


Student Trustee Report - February 2025

Shippensburg University Student Trustee Colin Arnold: "I hope that everyone has had a good start to the Spring 2025 semester so far. Spring break is almost here, something to look forward to." "A lot of amazing things have been happening on campus as well as off, representing Shippensburg University well. Before I address the recent Council of Trustees meeting, I’d like to highlight some of those things."

Student Trustee Report

On Oct. 9, I had the opportunity to spend the day in Harrisburg at the Pennsylvania State Capitol Complex to meet with elected officials, the outgoing and interim PASSHE chancellor and my fellow student trustees from the other PASSHE universities. The experience allowed me to gain a better understanding of higher education in Pennsylvania and the important role it plays in the future of Pennsylvania. 

Student Trustee Report: Updates from Council of Trustees Meeting

SU Student Trustee Colin Arnold: As the new student trustee for Shippensburg University, I would like to initiate a student trustee report in The Slate. Before getting to the details of the report, I would like to first address the unique role that the student trustee plays and what the Council of Trustees is.