Lydia Elmy


Treats no Tricks brings spooky fun to campus

The Halloween spirit made its way onto campus Monday night during Treats no Tricks, an annual event where various student organizations volunteer to bring spooky fun to people of all ages. 

Homecoming 2024: MSA and BSU host Step Show

Memorial Auditorium burst to life Saturday night as Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA) and the Black Student Union (BSU) held the annual Step Show during homecoming weekend. 

MSA celebrates 2024 Diversity Week with ‘A Quilt to Cover Us All’ reveal

Diversity Week 2024 has come to a close, but its message still carries on across campus. Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA) revealed “A Quilt to Cover Us All” Friday on the Gilbert Lawn, bringing Diversity Week to an end. Each panel of the quilt was created by faculty and students, representing the diversity, inclusivity and unity on campus. 

Trans Week of Visibility: Torrin A. Greathouse

Torrin A. Greathouse, a transgender “cripple-punk” poet and essayist, brought Stewart Hall to life when they read their poems to students and faculty on Wednesday night. The event, hosted by the English department as part of Trans Week of Visibility, drew a large crowd and quickly filled seats. 

MSA and RHA host annual “Live at the Apollo”

Harlem made its way into Shippensburg on Thursday night in Stewart Hall during “Live at the Apollo,” an annual event hosted by Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA) and the Residence Hall Association (RHA) that celebrates Black history and art.