Reagan Gardenhour


Your World Today Commentary: All for one, and one for all

Lately, I’ve been a traveler. By traveler, I mean that I have been taking a trip or two a month to see things that I do not see every day. Expanding horizons is humbling, and personally, I know I have thought plenty about how vast our humanity is from these recent experiences.

Fashionably Slate: Blooming fashion

Spring is returning soon, and I’m sure that we’re all very excited about the upcoming warmth. The cold seasons bring several exciting moments, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and many others, but after those moments are over, the cold becomes brutal. 

The Power of Poetry

 Writing is meant to release tension, and everybody has the skill to do so. Writing is not ever inherently good or bad; it is personal. 

Fashionably Slate: The influencers’ influence

Over the course of the past few years since TikTok’s creation almost a decade ago, several users have become largely influential in specific niches. For example, there are influencers for sports-related, “bookish,” makeup, music, game-related, news-related and—most notably—fashion content. 

Fashionably Slate: The influencers’ influence

Over the course of the past few years since TikTok’s creation almost a decade ago, several users have become largely influential in specific niches. For example, there are influencers for sports-related, “bookish,” makeup, music, game-related, news-related and—most notably—fashion content. 

Your World Today Commentary: Trying

I spend a lot of my life trying. Whether I find myself swamped in academics, struggling with relationships or friendships, or solely in life, I am constantly trying. 

Fashionably Slate: The holiday spirit awaits

As we embark on the special, annual journey of holiday spirit, it is important to think about the opportunities that await us. Some of those opportunities include dressing — not stuffing. Dressing up!