Seth Turner Asst. News Editor


Poll results tighten as Pennsylvania general election approaches

Pennsylvania’s general election is just two weeks away. On Nov. 8, Pennsylvania voters will decide on the next governor, senator and congressional representatives, along with other various positions. The two most important competitions can be seen running for the senator and the governor positions. 

SU hosts Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology president

Dr. Manuel Ruiz, Vice President of Inclusion and Belonging, hosted Pedro Rivera, president of Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, to give a speech on the future of diversity on college campuses on Tuesday, September 20. Prior to joining the college, Rivera served as the Pennsylvania Secretary of State and served as chair of the board’s Council of Education. 

Ukraine Recaptures Russian-Controlled Territories

Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine has been happening for over six months now, with no end in sight. However, Ukrainian forces have made significant gains on Russian territory in the northwest region of Kharkiv. In the past two weeks, Ukrainian forces have launched a similar counter-offensive in the southern Kherson region. When Russian forces moved south to combat this, the northern offensive pushed even harder. 

SGA holds first meeting

Shippensburg University’s Student Government Association (SGA) held a meeting on Sept. 1 at which Vice President Kennedy Holt shared that elections are coming up and petitions to run were due on Sept. 2.

SGA President Hare resigns

Student Government Association (SGA) President Andrew Hare stepped down from his position on August 23. The resignation was due to undisclosed personal reasons. Vice President of Finances Chase Slenker said that responsibilities are being shared among the other officers to better distribute the workload. Slenker will be speaking at the SGA Open House in place of the president.