Sophia Bartash
The Vatican Will Never Ordain Women as Priests, So Stop Asking
Ever wondered why you have never seen a female priest in a Catholic church? It is because they are literally not allowed to become one.
The Vatican Will Never Ordain Women as Priests, So Stop Asking
Ever wondered why you have never seen a female priest in a Catholic church? It is because they are literally not allowed to become one.
Liberty Bar & Grill: A Diamond in the Rough
Liberty Bar and Grill, part of Parx Casino in Shippensburg, provides delicious meals and fun cocktails for occasions.
From Frankenstein to 'Campystein'
For over a century, Halloween in America has built up a catalog of characters and symbols to embody its spirit. We have the classic icons, Jack-o’-lanterns and black cats. Then we have supernatural figures that originate from incalculably old myths and legends.
I don’t just “have autism;” I am autistic’
April is known for the blossoming of colorful spring flowers and the end of U.S. tax season. However, this month has also become known as Autism Awareness Month, also known as “Autism Acceptance Month.”
Scratching the Surface: The False Hope, Funding and the Ethics of State Lotteries
Anyone who has lived in Pennsylvania long enough has heard this iconic slogan for our state lottery. It is spoken by Gus, the “Second most famous groundhog in Pennsylvania,” who serves as the PA Lottery’s mascot. He’s often shown happily conversing with human friends and pulling out scratch-off tickets to share with them. Lottery games with colorful images and exciting themes are presented as a source of good, clean fun.