The Slate


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Over the last few weeks, it has been brought to The Slate staff’s attention that the commenting feature on is not functioning properly. Comments can be made, but do not appear after posting. 

The Slate Speaks: The importance of student media in college

Student media is more valuable than many other organizations that exist across campus. We are not just a club. We are a service to the campus community, and whether or not students choose to be informed should not result in SGA acting as if we do not deserve money more than other groups do. It is incredibly alarming if our student government continues to cut funding for student media to the point where we could soon have to drastically change how we operate.

Faculty on picket lines for third day

Rock music played at the Prince Street entrance to Shippensburg University as faculty mingled and cars honked in support as the strike went into its third day.

Strike continues for second day

PASSHE Chancellor Frank Brogan said he is “anxious” to return to the negotiating table, SU professor Debra Cornelius announced at the North Prince Street picket line.

Faculty strike for contract

Student and faculty protestors converged on the Shippensburg University property line on North Prince Street just after noon today.

Police briefs Sept. 1-10

Shippensburg University Campus Police reported the following incidents between Sept. 1 and Sept. 10:
