Winter Trabex
More scandal over Obama's 'forged' birth certificate
Seemingly backed into a corner with no logical arguments to make, conservative elements in the country latched onto what appeared to be a ridiculous argument.
Guillen faces controversy over Castro remarks
From 1959 to 1976, Fidel Castro was the prime minister of the Communist government in Cuba. From 1976 to 2008, he was president of the Council of the State of Cuba.
Media's heavy influence on presidential campaigns
These days, the mainstream media have taken a very strange direction. In years past, telling the truth was the driving force behind all good journalism.
Campus Desk Assistants ignore safety procedures
Those of us who live in the residence halls have all seen them: the desk assistants. These are people who sit behind a desk, sometimes until 3 a.m.
A student faces 'senioritis'
When I first came to Shippensburg University, I did not know what to expect. I attended a few orientation events and then spent the rest of my time in my new room, which I later learned I would have to share with two people.
Education diversity not covered for SU students
During my time here at Shippensburg University, whenever I proposed any positive change, I always heard, “this is a conservative area.” The more I heard that phrase, the more upset I became.
SU Does Little for its Minority Students
Published 04/26/2011 When I went to the Anthony F. Ceddia Union Building for a smoothie one day, I noticed a pamphlet titled “Commitment to Diversity.” The pamphlet looked like one of those propaganda manuals in which everything is mentioned but nothing is really said.